Home / Virginia / Dinwiddie
Welfare Offices provides low-income individuals and families with assistance. This includes support with child care, food assistance, cash for needy families, burial assistance . We provide office hours and details on these locations.

Dinwiddie Department of Social Services

Dinwiddie Department of Social Services
Phone: (804) 469-4524
Address: 12318 Boydton Plank Road Dinwiddie, VA 23841
Dinwiddie County

Area Welfare Offices

Due to the low number of listings in Dinwiddie, we have added area listings below. All listings are within 30 miles of Dinwiddie.

Petersburg Department of Social Services

Petersburg Department of Social Services
Phone: (804) 861-4720
Address: 400 Farmer St. Petersburg, VA 23804

Sussex Department of Social Services

Sussex Department of Social Services
Phone: (434) 246-1083
Address: 20103 Princeton Road Stony Creek, VA 23882

Hopewell Department of Social Services

Hopewell Department of Social Services
Phone: (804) 541-2330
Address: 316 E. Cawson Street Hopewell, VA 23860

Brunswick County Department of Social Services

Brunswick County Department of Social Services
Phone: (434) 848-2142
Address: 201 Sharp St., Suite 100 Lawrenceville, VA 23868

Prince George Department of Social Services

Prince George Department of Social Services
Phone: (804) 733-2656
Address: 6450 Administration Drive, Building 12 Prince George, VA 23875