Home / Michigan / Sandusky
Welfare Offices provides low-income individuals and families with assistance. This includes support with child care, food assistance, cash for needy families, burial assistance . We provide office hours and details on these locations.

Sanilac County DHHS Office

Sanilac County DHHS Office
Phone: (810) 648-4420
Address: 515 S. Sandusky Rd Sandusky, MI 48471
Sanilac County

Area Welfare Offices

Due to the low number of listings in Sandusky, we have added area listings below. All listings are within 30 miles of Sandusky.

Huron County DHHS

Huron County DHHS
Phone: (989) 269-9201
Address: 1911 Sand Beach Rd. Bad Axe, MI 48413