DSS Office hours are Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Services include:
Connect to Work Program
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Energy Assistance
Families in Training
Food Pantries
Healthy Start
Human Resource Development Program
Housing Options for Seniors
HUSKY Healthcare for UninSured Kids and Youth
HUSKY C - also Known as Medicaid for the Aged, Blind and Disabled
HUSKY D - also Known as Medicaid for Low-Income Adults
HUSKY (Medicaid) Coverage for Breast and Cervical Cancer
Jobs First
Medicaid Nursing Home Reimbursement
Nutrition Assistance Programs
State Administered General Assistance (SAGA)
Temporary Family Assistance (TFA)
Welfare-to-Work (Department of Labor)
Women Infants and Children (WIC)
DSS Client Information Line & Benefits Center:
1. Call 1-855-6-CONNECT (1-855-626-6632)
(TTD/TTY 1-800-842-4524 for persons with speech or hearing difficulties)
2. Follow the prompts to get the information you need
Our new automated interactive voice response' telephone system will help DSS clients get the information you need without waiting to speak to an eligibility worker. You will also have the option of speaking to a worker, if you choose, during business hours.
Please use this new, toll-free service instead of the local DSS numbers you have been using. This Client Information Line service is available 24/7. You can also connect directly to a worker in our Benefits Center by following the phone menu prompts, Monday through Friday, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The Benefits Center is staffed with workers dedicated to answering your questions, processing change requests and providing you with information about other resources.
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